Wednesday, November 23, 2005

'Nonetheless something for it.'

"Two times in!
I've been struck dumb by a voice that speaks
From deep beneath the endless waters.
It's twice as clear as heaven
And twice as loud as reason.
It's deep and rich like silt on a riverbed,
And just as neverending.
The current's mouth below me
Opens up around me --
Suggests and beckons all while swallowing.
It surrounds and drowns and sweeps me away.
But I'm so comfortable.
Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.
You're saturating me.
How could I let this bring me back to my knees?"

If love is just a chemical reaction triggered by sensory receptors in the human brain, then what happens to those theories regarding the true and nonbiological basis of emotions? Do they then translate into tangential symptoms, perhaps?

I want to experience the complete and corporeal physicality of the human body tonight. I want to be loud and brash and dark and numb and crumbling and violent. I want to stomp on fingers poised precariously on concrete curbs. I want to kick street signs and handle dexterously panes of cold glass -- and then shatter them on an abandoned avenue.

I want to be dirty. And raw. And utterly obscene.

I want to smell the overpowering odor of cold leather and leaves and a worn car's interior. I want to drink until I'm stupid and get...completely fucked up.

And I don't care. I don't care. I don't care much for judgments, perceptions, or what people think! Of me! Don't care.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dark sexy violent goddess, who should she be named after? Hmm..

I say Ereshkigal.

Merry bash,

"These are the exalted females whose intercession is to be desired."

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rock on,
Heavy Metal Queen,
daughter of Lithe and Lucifer. Rock on.


8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, not the daughter. Infact, Lilith went with Samael.. not Lucifer, unless you believe Samael became Lucifer.. but though some people claim it, I doubt the angel of destruction somehow became the lightbearer. Samael is definnetly a seperate angel, and she is definetly too original to be the daughter of Lilith. Though she does have Lilith-esque qualities.

And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons.. there too Lilith shall repose, and find a place to rest.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, there's nothing heavy metal about the things she wishes to do. There is something extraordinarily attractive about her wished actions, however. The thought of committing these acts makes a brain surge with glee-filled synapsery and michievious trouble-making...the sex comes immediately afterward. ~(Or not because I'd die twice over before she even touched me and when I'm around her I a m, for all intensive and safety purposes, gay.)

Anyway, this post has no point really, except that of consuming space on some random person's blog in which I hardly know.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:01 PM  

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