She's in to superstition...

I am sorely bereft of things once pleasing to me. I am losing my mind. I ravenous, dark-lipped, and mutinous.
Did you know? I am poisonous. Not myself. It's thrilling. Liberating. Dirty.
Precisely how I intend to be this weekend. Not myself. Liberated. Dirty.
Are you taking notes?
Indulge my appetite.
*take notes diligently*
Have fun ^_^
Wow--this is an old post--but I found my way here via a common interest and found this worth a comment:
I've also found fits of madness liberating--but I always end up feeling like shit a few days--or hours--later. My psychic hangovers last for days, sometimes weeks, sometimes seasons.
But hell, sometimes putting on a "dirty" mask is better than screaming on the inside with no one to hear.
I hope you made that night a good one, and that you survived.
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