Monday, March 14, 2005


Things are dragging, and it's only Monday. Why must I be so impatient? Why must I loathe the things standing between myself and something most desirable? I mean, I should be able to simply sit back and say, "Hey, there's only four more days until I can get the hell out of this place! Four more days until Spring-effing-Break!" But no. I can't. I have to whine and squirm and deal with some disgustingly unwilling feelings towards school for four more days. Ugh. And it's not like I want to harbor such aversion; if I could, I'd stand up and proclaim my intentions to get through various classes with as much cheer and enthusiasm as possible. Hah. Fat chance of that happening. I wish I could go home now. I wish I could just pack my crap up and head out on the next vehicle bound for Browntown. *Sigh* I should actually be reading some wonderfully insightful Descartes for Philosophy right now, but ya' know what? SCREW IT. That's right. Screw it. I don't feel like doing aaaanything at the moment. I don't even feel like getting up from this chair in front of the computer right now, so I will continue to type random bits of brain-fodder until such a time as I see fit to stop.

So, Statistics is proving to be a pain in the ass. Granted, I am getting a solid B, which is the normal grade I get in any and all math-related courses. In fact, in high school, math classes (and the odd phy. ed. class) were the only things that kept my grade point average suspended at a firm 3.8 ... and let me tell you, it pissed me off to no end. Anyway, Statistics is a pain in the ass, like I said -- Justin and I worked on the newest homework assignment for a solid forty-five minutes (it was FOUR problems), and weren't too sure about our answers at the end. We didn't even finish the last problem ... it included a question that looked like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and we had no idea as to how to go about working it, so we left it alone. I ended up skipping class on Thursday, as I had my own harsh problems to deal with (learning about p-values and the importance of the z* number just didn't seem like a good way to soothe my nerves), but Justin, who's in the class before mine, said that the professor wasn't going to collect the assignment and that he had to "think of another way to give us points." If the man gives us a quiz (sans notes) I'll fly into a murderous rage. No questions, please.

Aside from that, a Zoology lab test and an Art History test (yeah, she pushed it back to Wednesday) loom on the horizon. Woopty-freaking-doo. I'm exhausted every night, it seems, from all this studying and homework and stress. I haven't been able to email anyone in an eon, and today was the first time I actually found a minute to call my mom in four days. Yee-haw for me. Oh, and by the way ... those horrible personal problems that I was worried about some days ago have passed. Everything's okay again. For a while. Klein is probably coming over Wednesday night, and he's hopefully staying until Friday afternoon -- when I LEAVE FOR SPRING BREAK. WOO. This means that Jessi has to go to the C-Store and get some provisions for her Grand Duke General (Jerkface Meany-Pants). And Klein? If you're reading this, I just want to let you know that you're NOT going to be sitting in my room all day while I'm at classes; that's right, bitch, you're coming with me.

In other news, I've decided to wrap this up with another evaluation of the Joshua Files. He came up this weekend (much to my delight) and we had a wonderful time; the boy had bought 'Devil May Cry 3' a day or two before he journeyed on up here, and let me tell you ... the game was not a let down. He also brought a few other games and a movie, which we ended up watching late Sunday afternoon. All in all, it was a great, great weekend, and it gave me enough energy and high spirits to make it through Monday. Hopefully I can ride the happy-fumes until Friday. I've noticed, also, that the changes I've mentioned to him are starting to take root. In fact, he's made incredible, incredible progress in one area: initiating affection. It bothered me a lot that in the (almost) three years we've been together, he readily responded to my actions, but he rarely took it upon himself to start such things. I mentioned it to him many times, but pointed out the seriousness of it only a few months ago. And you know what? He took up that challenge and kicked its ass. He's so damned incredible. He's also doing wonderfully on the other things I've asked of him, and I'm starting to really crack down on the things he wants ME to improve.

Man, talk about your intrinsically worthwhile relationship. It's all about the praxis, philosophy students.

To sum it up, things with Josh are great, I'm not ready to stop bitching about the four days left before Spring Break, Statistics class isn't exactly the highlight of my day, and those bad, bad things that plagued me last week are gone. All in all, I'd say that I'm running at 80% ... and that's GOT to be good enough for 4/5 of a week.


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