Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Hanging on...

Oh, this morning is exceedingly pretty. The sky is blue, the sun is shining -- and guess what? It's forty-three degrees outside! Hallelujah! Could I dance, I'd be doing a dynamite little jig at the moment. Nevermind the fact that I just got back from taking the Art History Test of Doom; nevermind the fact that there are still two and a half more days of school. Nah ... we'll ignore those bits of information for the time being because, hey, it's a beautiful morning. And it may very well turn out to be a beautiful day.

In other news, the politics of the Mystic Tavern, in essence my 'second home,' have effectively polluted the absolute wonder of that place. I cannot begin to describe how the shakings of the foundation have forever jarred loose any and all sense of innocence I once harbored; the aftershocks of the earthquake haven't stopped yet, and already I'm beginning to think that the people I've known for a good five years really aren't the people I want to place my trust and my secrets in any longer. It's a tragic situation, but when individuals struggle for power and make back-door deals, the entire integrity of the governing body is put at risk. And that risk has translated into and out-and-out bombshell that was dropped (sans warning) onto a whole lot of oblivious, inculpable people. I don't even know where to begin picking up the pieces; one close friend disappeared with (almost) no explanation, a handful of respectable, incredible people have already gone ... and I'm left somewhere in the middle, standing amidst a pile of broken confidence and dissipating hope. I'm ready to throw up my hands and toss in the towel -- but can I really walk away from the loving community I've been apart of since middle school?

Racing off on another tangent lest the pain from the previous statements take hold, I've just realized that there's only a month left of school. A month! Hot damn! This year has been filled with ups and downs, highs and lows, depression and euphoria. I've made some new friends, I've (lamentably) lost many old ones, and I've gained a slightly better sense of myself. I've done new things, I've learned new information, and I've found also that I don't have to separate my laundry before I wash it. Isn't the world incredible? Though I'm looking forward to the end of the year with much excitement, I think I may miss college during those months that I'm home. Where else can you get soft-serve ice cream and Asian food within twelve feet of each other? Where else do you get an entire computer lab left at your disposal at two o'clock in the morning? Ahh, college life ... I loathe and love thee.

I've got Zoology lecture in forty-five minutes. Oh, praise the details of arthropods and their relatives -- for the record, that was sarcastic. Justin and I finished our Statistics test. My brain turned to mush rather quickly this time; an hour and a half spent on six multi-part questions is far too long. We're optimistic on it, however -- I'm guessing that we'll get a mid-B, and Justin believes we'll get a slightly higher grade. Oh, and yeah -- the bastard gave us a quiz. Granted, it was open notes, and I don't think I did too bad (read: B grade), but it was a quiz nonetheless and I'm going to plot revenge. Ah, revenge ... what can't it do? It's like potroast. Warm, satisfying, and broiled with carrots and potatoes. On that note, I do believe I'll shove off. Until next time, my darling audience. Adieu.


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