Thursday, May 05, 2005


Love doesn't last. Let me tell you all that right now. I'm sick to death of everyone tittering and sighing about how "in love" they are with significant others -- and how they proclaim, declare, disgustingly assert that they will be "in love" for the rest of their lives.

It isn't going to happen! Wise up and quit behaving like drooling fools!

I thought the bliss would last, just like all of you. I thought things would be absolutely perfect...just like all of you. A friend warned me that the first year in a relationship is heaven -- and then it starts to go downhill. I didn't believe him, out of sheer stupidity and lack of concern. But guess what? Things went downhill. So to all of you out there swooning over love and choking on the sugary things that crawl out of your mouths -- I'm warning you. I don't give a damn if you believe me or not. Just remember: it doesn't last, and someday you'll end up ruing the day "love" slithered into your vocabulary.

And another thing, while I'm feeling exceedingly open and cutting: my friends have turned into the worst strain of scum imaginable. I feel shortchanged. I feel ignored. I loathe calling you "my pals." Don't you ever whine to me about not keeping in touch. Don't you ever complain that we're not as "tight" as we used to be. Some of you have moved away and, in the process, moved out of my heart. Some of you have found surrogate buddies. Some of you use me out of convenience, and some of you call me only when you feel the need to be coddled and kissed. I can count those people who haven't yet betrayed me on one hand, and it feels pretty horrible. Note that I used the word "yet." I'm sure it will happen. Oh, I'm almost certain the rest of you urchins will betray me. I wouldn't be surprised if, in a year, I'm completely empty in the 'friend department' because I simply can't entertain, amuse, indulge, and dandle all of you anymore. I'm sorry I can't accomodate all of your nonsense. Really. I am at my WIT'S END when it comes to all of you. Thank you for semi-understanding and pseudo-being there when I needed you people the most. Thank you for giving our relationships a half-assed attempt when they were circling the drain. Thank you for deserting me when I needed you the most, and thank you for coming around only when it was convenient for you.

I'd be more content to live life as a hermit right now. I'm angry with everyone. I'm angry with myself. Laura, you "invented moody?" Get over yourself. Klein, you consider weed "barely a drug?" Wise the fuck up and do some research. Ali, you consider yourself a "realist?" It's called behaving like an prick. Brian, I'm sick of you attempting to prove me wrong in every conversation; remember that Cradle of Filth argument? There's an exceedingly good example of just how full of yourself you are (you'd never even seen the band before and you wanted to argue with me over where the fuck they're from?). Joe, you think you know all there is to know about everything? I'd just as soon bash my head in with a dictionary than listen to you ramble on about the things you think you know. Thank you to all of the people who don't comment in my DeviantArt gallery anymore. I can grow and progress with all of the critiques and encouraging words I don't get -- you're all so fucking considerate. Savannah, my darling, if you're such a loving person, why the hell haven't you deemed it worth your time to call me in the last six months? Erik, thank you for jerking me around by the head. You're strangely sweet (almost human) when I'm there, but when I'm off on other endeavors I'm ignore-able; that's what "friends" do, is it? Shandra, I know you're dealing with a death in the family right now, but learn some god damned human courtesy and CALL me if you have to cancel plans. Do not just leave me hanging for DAYS on end -- I know how you love to do that. Johnny, what happened to the sweet kid I used to love? You're an asshole to the nth degree now. Did you think I LIKE to be ignored? Rest assured, I won't be answering my email anymore if you can't grow the balls to answer your phone. Greg, fuck you. Just fuck you. Thank you for screwing up my emotions like a top and then letting me go like nothing ever happened. And by the way -- I see right through you. You're not cool because you pretend to like "obscure" bands and because you're a self-proclaimed "emo/fashioncore" kid. You come across like an anal-retentive chubby bastard with some serious attention-whore issues.

Am I supposed to feel needed anymore? Every other phrase in your last entry was "Aaron and Laura," Klein. It gets sickening to hear about the wonderful fucking time you're having up in La Crosse. Not that I ever hear about it anyway. Why is it always up to me to call? You've got a fucking phone. Perhaps you should learn how to USE IT. Everyone in my entire contemporary life sucks more ass than a lamprey on a donkey. Except Joshua. Oh, that's right. That's the ONLY MAN who hasn't abandoned me. The ONLY MAN who's willing to listen to me grunt, complain, and cry about things he has no expertise in. Here's a resounding 'piss off' to all of you people who urged me to break up with him. I see now that he's the only person on the face of this writhing ball of dirt who's going to be there for me NO MATTER WHAT.

You all suck. Hardcore. Fuck off.