Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Oh, it's a glorious day today. Sun's out, air's warm...the grass is green. The trees still don't have leaves yet -- but it'll only be a matter of time before that happens. I'm currently sporting a short-sleeved t-shirt, and for those who know me best...this isn't a normal thing. Long live multiple layers of clothing and heavy pants!

It's strange, but since the weather has taken a turn for the incredible, I find myself less depressed and more energized. I've been contemplating the notion that I have (to some degree) S-SAD, a form of SAD (or Seasonal Affective Disorder). What is it? Well, for all those individuals who haven't been blessed by a psychology class, S-SAD/SAD is "a specific type of recurring depressive illness that manifests in an annual pattern, usually from early-to-late fall and subsiding with the longer, sunnier days of spring. Some people have the milder form, called Subsyndromal-Seasonal Affective Disorder (S-SAD), also called Winter Blues, which causes minor problems in their lives but not the total disruption that full-blown Seasonal Affective Disorder causes." Yep. That's it. Minor problems and a whole lot of depression, anxiety, and stress. I'm not going to pull a pre-med student maneuver and diagnose myself, but it seems likely that I have some form of S-SAD, and it's no big deal. I'll just go out and get a whole lot of sunshine, a whole lot of fresh air, and everything will be fine.

Hah. Fine. Yeah. It's funny -- I don't have (for once) an extremely huge workload this week, and because of that fact I'm a little paranoid. I feel like I'm missing out on getting a head start somewhere, missing a deadline for some class...but I've gone over my planner/assignment book, and there's no big project that I should be starting in on. I've got a paper due for Victorian Literature in two weeks, but I'm supposed to simply have my author picked by tomorrow. Professor Hickey said that we don't need a thesis, or even an angle yet...just the author and the piece. Not a problem. I have an art exam next Friday, a Victorian Literature exam this Friday, and about five others coming up over the course of this month...but I study 4-5 days in advance, so there's nothing I can do there, either. I just finished my miderm paper for Philosophy and turned it in this morning, and we'll have another one near the end of this month -- but again, nothing I can do for another two or three weeks. I think I'm just holding onto a paranoid point of view -- and DAMMIT, it needs to stop.

Whew. Fun times. Some big changes have taken place this month already, but perhaps I'll get into that later. I've got to stop by Justin's and see what we did in Stats. I like to get ahead in that class any way I can...mwuahaha. God bless you all, kids, and behave yourselves.


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