Sunday, May 15, 2005

Home again, home again...jiggety-jog

Listening to: "Phantom Gate" by HIM
Reading: 'A Rudyard Kipling Collection'
Feeling like: A caged rat

Once again, I've found that HIM is peerless when it comes to doing song covers. Take Sentenced's "Excuse Me While I Kill Myself," for example. Ville does wonders with it. Yeah, the lyrics are graphic and they certainly lack in the eloquence department, but like Murderdoll's "Motherfucker, I Don't Care," it's got an extremely energetic beat...and it just makes you want to sing. I'm not kidding, punks.

I'm stuck in a rut, I think. I've been home for just four days, and I want to bash my head into the floor again and again and again. Josh got a new apartment with Jamie, and I've been there twice -- it's a nice place. The first time I was there I basically cleaned the kitchen -- washed the dishes, decided what cabinets they went in...some serious Betty Homemaker crap. Hopefully the next time I stop over everything'll finally be order. It gets a little frustrating when you've got a walkway that's only about a foot and a half wide to maneuver around in. Have to go back to the South Wayne Mart (collective groan) to pick up my schedule soon. Should have done it early this morning, but I didn't get up. Rough nights will do that to a person, you know. Watched 'Fellowship of the Ring' with my mom this afternoon, even though 'Naked Lunch' almost ruined Bilbo's innocence for me (long story). Now re-read this paragraph and TELL me I'm better off being home. I dare you.

And now, Plath.


"No use, no use, now, begging Recognize!

There is nothing to do with such a beautiful blank but smooth it.
Name, house, car keys,

The little toy wife -- Erased, sigh, sigh.
Four babies and a cooker!
Nurses the size of worms and a minute doctor

Tuck him in. Old happenings

Peel from his skin.
Down the drain with all of it!
Hugging his pillow

Like the red-headed sister he never dared to touch,
He dreams of a new one --
Barren, the lot are barren!

And of another color.
How they'll travel, travel, travel, scenery
Sparking off their brother-sister rears

A comet tail!
And money the sperm fluid of it all.
One nurse brings in

A green drink, one a blue.
They rise on either side of him like stars.
The two drinks flame and foam.

O sister, mother, wife,
Sweet Lethe is my life.
I am never, never, never coming home"


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