Saturday, May 07, 2005

In all honesty...

Someone pointed out that my last post smacked of "blog grumpiness."

Yeah, that's true.

Someone else pointed out that I was doing my damnedest to push everyone away from me with scathing words.

That's true, too.

That blast of heat needed to be released, people. Get over it. I'm not going to apologize for what I said. The manner in which I said it may need to be apologized for, and I feel marginal remorse for alienating some of you...but let's face it -- purgative therapy works rather well.

Some of you have actually stepped up and offered to help me (Laura, you're incredible). Some of you bristled and snarled in response (Klein, it's too bad). Others of you have carried on like always, which is (in all reality) a damn good thing (sorry for being caustic, Poison Girl). I'm over the grumpiness, at any rate. Allow me to confess that my ideologies have changed...for the better. No more sugar-coating, no more feeling guilty (in fact, I'm going to do what I want when I want...regarding all things), no more feeling weak in this horrid human shell (thank you, Nietzsche), and no more relying on others to make me happy.

It's working, by the way. I feel better already. I had no idea that some of you people visited this seedly little plot from time to time. Imagine my surprise at finding out I'm watched by more than three people. Oh, I can finally die enraptured.

In closing, let me say that I'm going to rescind my decision to cut myself off from you people. Those aforementioned individuals are worth my time, and those other lampreys -- Joe, Ali, Johnny,'re still worth my time, too.