Sunday, March 27, 2005


Spring Break was interesting. No, I didn't visit some tropical place thronged by masses of oiled up, sweaty, nubile bodies. Nor did I sit at home on my ass all week like I feared. I found myself a system that worked exceedingly well -- that is to say, I managed to split my time between home activities with the family and some carousing with the friends in Monroe ... and it worked very well. I finally visited Erik -- he lookes like a mad scientist now, but by no means am I saying that 'like it's a bad thing'. Apparently the poor child had an incredibly craptastic weekend -- but I'm sure my own pulsing aura of wonderous-nous helped. Saw Graham, too, and hung out with some other kids I'd previously thought lost. I'm going to document the fact here and now that there is nothing to do in Monroe ... at all. My posse (hah ... posse) and I drove around for almost five hours Thursday; granted, we had a good time -- but still. Is it right for a city to be so boring that wasting fuel and tire rubber is the only alternative?

Some new issues have surfaced. Dustin and his brand of madness will be pushed to the side for a while to come, I suspect. There's only so much I can worry about at once -- and let me tell you, Mr. C-grade Felony has just about worn out his welcome in my fraying brain. I'm climbing over the hill, and I'm nearly over him. I'd do a victory dance right now ... but I'm just too lazy to invent a jig. Some late night conversations during this past week have knocked a few old thoughts loose, and I can't say that they're altogether charming. But hey ... in life you gotta' learn to roll with the punches, and that's what I plan to do.

Oy, I'm so very bored right now. I had a lot of intellectual things to say, but they're gone. Gone! Out the window, over the ground, exiting the campus. Pssht. Apparently, Mr. Valo has cut his hair. Shorn it all off! The charmingly dark, curly, glorious locks have gone MIA. I'm planning to murder his hairdresser with the same pair of scissors that severed the god-mane. Not sure how I'll be able to locate this disgrace to humanity, but rest assured ... it will happen. Also, I've found a new degree of hatefulness towards cocaine. No, dear concerned citizens, I haven't done anything like that to date. I'm just spouting off about how I loathe the way this particular drug digs its claws into perfectly wonderful human beings and drags them down into the ninth level of hell. Yeah ... ninth level. Read Dante's "The Inferno." That should clear up a lot of the confusion when it comes to the phrase 'when Hell freezes over'. Carter's class back in high school shoved this marvelous piece of literature into my face, as well as some beanbag time with Jerkface and a perfectly horrid novel called "Crime and Punishment." Oh, the things I did in that class. Makes me want to relive a month or two at Monroe Senior High again.

So, as this latest entry is becoming completely random, I believe I'll sign off. Take it easy, children ... and behave.


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