Saturday, October 08, 2005


It's eight o'clock in the morning, and I am alone again in an empty apartment...killing time and killing thoughts and killing aches that refuse to leave without substantial medication. I can't sleep. Again. I am not happy. I am not "if this isn't nice, what is?" -- I am not, contrary to popular belief, without fear or doubt at this odd hour of the morning.

"You're the lord,
Feel desire;
Feel the lord,
Use desire.
See your lord,
Take you higher;
Steal my soul,
His eyes caught fire."

Everyone in this entire apartment complex must still be sleeping. I don't hear a single murmur, a single thudding footstep, the echo of a door swinging shut. Usually these noises all come together to form a single symphony of astounding domestic proportions. Now nothing intrudes on this eerie peace that blankets the five-room cluster. Nothing cuts the clicking of the keyboard. Nothing reverberates, fades, swells, or snaps. I am alone. My hand's bleeding. And where were you when the world went down in flames?

"Disaster in a halo.

Nothing even matters,
Nothing even matters,
Nothing even matters,
Nothing even matters,
Nothing even matters,
Nothing even matters,

Somewhere there’s a girl with thoughts of him --
She makes wishes in a well, then fears them caving in on her..."

I tried writing again. I can't. Even the product of last time was half-forcd near the end. I can't do it anymore, I think. Nothing ever comes out the way I want it to. It started out, "Red-squilled lips and taffeta slips like dusty-aphanous days of summer-gone.../Press-powdered countenance [porcelainpicture] painted all brassy-lights and brilliant-fights and --" And? And then it stopped. I scribbled out a dozen lines that came after, sitting on a bench with yellow leaves falling in my lap. It was supposed to be one of those love poems, even. I'm bad at writing love poems. Does that look like a love poem? It seems suspiciously like a tragedian's attempt at a journal entry. "Still feel you on the inside, biting through and stinging -- will I ever forget to remember?" It's hard to say. I don't think I can do it anymore. Nothing ever comes out the way I want it to.

Maybe sleep will visit now. Maybe. I'm tired from just looking at all the stuff that's spilled from my head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds similar to my morning.

Words can be hard to get out, hard to get down, and can be even harder to look at, after hours spent on a work, to they are nothing like what wanted them to be. And the sound of one’s own voice can grow draining.

I have gone through both.

If it helps, now that anything you write, I will most gladly read anything your write, even if it just one scribal of a senates.

9:41 AM  

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